The Service of the Commission for the Protection of Competition has received a notification of a concentration, concerning the acquisition of the share capital of International Design Surfaces Investments, S.L. by CVC Capital Partners SICAV-FIS S.A., via Almazora Acquisitions, S.L.U.
CVC Capital Partners SICAV-FIS S.A. is a company duly registered under the laws of Luxembourg (together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, the "CVC Network". The CVC Network advises and/or manages investments on behalf of certain funds and investment vehicles. CVC Funds hold interests in a number of companies in various industries mainly in Europe, the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region.
Almazora Acquisitions, S.L.U. is a company duly registered under the laws of Spain and it is a special purpose vehicle with no prior business activities, incorporated for the purpose of this transaction.
International Design Surfaces Investments, S.L. is a company duly registered under the laws of Spain (together with its subsidiaries, the Neolith Group). Neolith Group (the target) is a group of companies with activities related to sintered stone surfaces, mainly for kitchens and bathrooms. The Group’s main products are panels made from sintered stone for the kitchen and the bathroom, panels for external or internal use in various surfaces, including walls and floors. Neolith Group also sells since 2014 natural stones (Granith business) mainly for kitchen and bathrooms.