Έμβλημα Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας


Notification of concentration between the companies ¨Diagnostiko and Therapeftiko Kentro Ygia A.E.” and “Mieftiki Ginekologiki Kliniki Evagelismos Ltd”

The Service of the Commission for the Protection of Competition on the 18th of February 2008 received on behalf of the company “Diagnostiko and Therapeftiko Kentro Ygia A.E.” notification of a proposed concentration according to Article 13 of the Control of Concentration between Enterprises Law 22(I)/99-2000 concerning an agreement by which the above mentioned company will acquire 100% of the issued share capital of the company “Mieftiki Ginekologiki Kliniki Evagelismos Ltd” and through this company, 60% of the issued share capital of the company “Evagelismos Diahiristiki Ltd” and 60% of the issued share capital of the company “Akeso Ktimatiki Ltd” which is the sole owner of the share capital of the company “Evagelismos Ktimatiki Ltd”.

The enterprises involved in this concentration have the following activities:

Diagnostiko and Therapeftiko Kentro Ygia A.E.”: its main activities concentrate in the medical services sector.

“Mieftiki Ginekologiki Kliniki Evagelismos Ltd”: it operates a private gyne\acological clinic.

“Evagelismos Diahiristiki Ltd”: is involved in the management of Evagelismos private Hospital and sublets offices for doctors.

“Akeso Ktimatiki Ltd”: is active in the land and buildings rental sector.

“Evagelismos Ktimatiki Ltd”: its operations involve renting to “Evagelismos Diahiristiki Ltd” the property from which “Mieftiki Ginekologiki Kliniki Evagelismos Ltd” operates.

On the 5th of June 2008, the Commission for the Protection of Competition, based on the findings of the preliminary investigation of the notified concentration that the Service conducted and submitted to the C.P.C., and acting on the basis of the Law in force, concluded that, even though the concentration comes within the ambit of the law, it does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the competitive market and thus declared compatible with the competitive market.

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