Έμβλημα Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας


Notification of the acquisition of control of certain assets and liabilities of Starbucks Corporation by Nestlé S.A.

The Service of the Commission for the Protection of Competition received on behalf of Nestlé S.A. (hereafter “Nestlé”) notification of a proposed concentration according to Section 10(4) of the Control of Concentrations between Enterprises Law of 2014, concerning the acquisition by Nestlé S.A. of certain assets and liabilities of Starbucks Corporation (hereafter “Starbucks”).

Nestlé is registered in accordance with the provisions of the laws of Switzerland. Nestlé is mainly active in the production, trade and sale of a great variety of food and beverages including dairy products, coffee, bottled water, cereals, culinary, chilled and frozen food, dry pasta, ice cream, chocolate beverages and tea, snacks and pet care products. Nestlé is also active in the health care nutrition products and skin care products.

Starbucks is registered in the U.S.A.. and it is a specialty coffee company with a global network of more than 28000 coffee shops that offer a variety of blends of coffee or handcrafted beverages, food items and other merchandise. Additionally from its coffee shop network in the U.S.A and elsewhere, Starbucks trades, sales and distributes coffee products and merchandises products related to coffee to be consumed by the consumer packaged goods networks and food service networks.

The target in this concentration comprises of the rights for the marketing, distribution and sale worldwide, and under certain conditions, of certain products under the brand name of Starbucks, Starbucks Reserve, Teavana, Seattle's Best Coffee, Starbucks VIA and Torrefazione Italia brands, through networks of packaged consumer products and consumer products food service. The target does not include Starbucks stores and Starbucks products ready-to-drink products.

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