According to Section 44 of 13(I)/2022 Law, the complaint to the Commission must be filed in writing and in digital form and signed by either the complainant or the legal advisor or any other authorized person by the complainant. The complaint must include all the information referred to in Annex I of the Protection of Competition Law of 2022, in order for the Commission to be in a position to decide whether to investigate the complaint. If the complainant wishes to appoint a legal advisor to represent him in the Commission proceedings, he must also submit the authorization set out in Annex II.
In case the submitted complaint does not include all the information provided for in Annex I, the Commission may decide to accept the complaint if it is considered that the submitted information is sufficient for the acceptance of the complaint and the conduction of preliminary investigation.
In case the complaint doesn’t fall under the jurisdiction of the Commission or the person making the complaint has no legitimate interest or the complaint does not fall with the Commission’s priorities in accordance with the provisions of section 27, the Commission shall reject the complaint and inform the complainant accordingly.