Έμβλημα Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας


Notification of a concentration concerning the acquisition by ironSource Ltd of the share capital of Tapjoy, Inc., via ironSource Sonic Inc.

The Service of the Commission for the Protection of Competition announces that it has received a notification of concentration by ironSource Ltd regarding the acquisition of the share capital of Tapjoy, Inc., through ironSource Sonic Inc.

ironSource Ltd is a leading business platform that allows mobile content creators to prosper in the app economy. It primarily allows app creators to turn their applications into scalable, successful businesses through solutions that allow them to focus on app creation and user experience, and provides them with the infrastructure to expand their business in the app economy.

ironSource Sonic Inc. is a newly established company duly registered under the laws of Delaware, USA, which is indirectly owned by ironSource Ltd.

Tapjoy, Inc. is a company duly registered under the laws of Delaware, USA, and is a platform for advertising mobile devices and app monetization that combines mobile advertising, market research and app revenue generation solutions. Advertisers place ads with Tapjoy, and Tapjoy displays these ads on publishers' apps to users. If a user completes the ad offer, the advertiser informs Tapjoy, which then rewards the user.

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