Welcome to the website of the Commission for the Protection of Competition of the Republic of Cyprus. On this website one can find out about the Commission’s legal framework, its setup, its vested powers and its operations, as well as an archive of its Decisions. In addition, one can also be informed about issues relating to the European Union acquis and international developments in relation to the application of competition law, ensuring all interested parties are informed.
The Commission for the Protection of Competition is an administrative body consisting of a Chairman and four Members who have been serving full-time since 2008, while assistance is also provided by the Service.
The Commission’s mission is to regulate and protect, through its vested powers, free competition and to develop a culture of competition in all markets of the economy with an aim to further economic growth and progress, but also to protect competitive forces and consumer welfare.
In particular, the Protection of Competition Laws of 2022 in conjunction with the Control of Concentrations Between Undertakings Law of 2014 set a framework of rules and principles aimed at ensuring effective competition within the local market. The Commission is also jointly responsible with the Central Bank of Cyprus for the implementation of Law 75(Ι)/2018 on interchange fees for card-based payment transactions. Additionally, the Commission is responsible for the implementation of Articles 6, 8, 9, 10(1) to 10(3), 11 and 12 of Regulation (EU) 2015/751 on interchange fees for card-based payment transactions.
Aspiring to maintain the Commission as an esteemed institution that instills trust and respect, we assure all stakeholders that the Commission works with full respect for all citizens, stakeholders and their rights, by precisely applying the Law and adhering to the principles of legality, impartiality, transparency, meritocracy, equality, good governance and proportionality.
The Commission’s mission is that of ensuring and protecting competitiveness in all sectors of the economy with the aim of promoting and achieving a higher level of efficiency in the market.
Eva Pantzari
Chair of the CPC