Republic of Cyprus

Merger Notification Form

According to section 10 of the Control of Concentrations Between Undertakings Law of 2014:

(1) The acts of concentration of major importance shall be notified to the Service in writing prior to their implementation and following the conclusion of the agreement, the announcement of the public bid, or the acquisition of a controlling interest.

(2) Notification may also be made where the undertakings concerned demonstrate to the Commission a good faith intention to conclude an agreement or, in the case of a public bid, where they have announced an intention or final decision to make such a bid, provided that the intended agreement or bid would result in a concentration of a major importance.

(3) The acts of concentration which must be notified and constituting a merger within the meaning of the Law, shall be notified jointly or separately by those who participate in these acts. In the remaining cases the obligation of notification shall be borne by the person or undertaking acquiring control.

The notifications of concentrations shall contain the information referred to in Schedule III. The document of the notification shall be submitted in one of the official languages of the Republic.

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