Έμβλημα Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

Frequently Asked Questions

5. What are the powers of the Commission in collecting information?

The Commission on the basis of section 36 of the Protection of Competition Law of 2022, has the authority to collect information that is necessary for the exercise of its competences, powers and functions and also on behalf of all competition authorities of the member states of the EU, by addressing for this purpose a written request to undertakings or association of undertakings or individuals or legal entities, or public or private organizations.

The undertakings, association of undertakings and also individuals or legal entities to whom the request of the Commission is addressed shall be obliged to provide in due course, in full and accurately the required information in written form as well as in digital form, within the specified time period. The Commission has the power to impose an administrative fine, where the information requested is not submitted. (see Question No. 8).

Furthermore, according to Sections 37 and 38, in order to collect information for an investigation, the Commission has the power to conduct inspections (dawn raids) of undertaking’s or associations of undertakings’ premises as well as to conduct interviews on this regard.

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